Retail Lottery Terminals & Self-Service Vending | IGT

Retail Lottery Terminals & Self-Service Vending

IGT provides lotteries with a variety of retail solutions to enable sales in any retail environment.

Our innovative and intuitive self-service vending machines and high-performance point-of-sale solutions deliver engaging lottery player experiences for any retail environment.

A distinctive open design that allows for both player and clerk interaction and enables transparent, contactless transactions.

Key Benefits of Retail Touchpoints


A wide-range of products developed to perform across varying retail environments.


Over forty years of lottery hardware knowledge brings equipment built to last in any environment.


Provide players with convenient options to match their style of paying and playing, including cash/cashless offerings and physical/digital play slips.

Intuitive UI

Advanced user interfaces that are simple to use for both player and clerks.

Retail Lottery Solutions to Meet Your Requirements

Retail Digital Signage