Connected Play


How LVM Optimization Drives Lottery Growth

Posted 02/04/2025 by IGT

Lottery vending machines (LVMs) are gamechangers for lotteries aiming to boost sales, engage players, and enhance retail performance. During the last year, we highlighted how advanced data and innovative tools are transforming the way lotteries optimize their network of LVMs, with three feature-length articles in PGRI magazine, and a compelling presentation by IGT’s Paul Riley, VP of Retail Innovation & Partnerships, at La Fleur’s Austin Conference. Read more...

What Supports U.S. Retailer Growth in the Lottery Category?

Posted 08/14/2023 by IGT

“Successful retailers base their decisions on data, particularly consistent data they can use across states,” said Gina Easley, IGT Senior Manager National Retail Accounts.

Infinity Linked Wins blog thumbnail

Infinity Instants™ Latest Game Mechanic Adds New Ways to Win

Posted 02/27/2023 by Emily Scoville

Infinity Instants™ newest game mechanic is a proprietary innovation that creates additional layers of game play, which are revealed as the game progresses. Read more...

Firing Up the Full Power of RMI

Posted 03/04/2022 by Samantha Oles

Listen to IGT Indiana’s Clayton Atkinson and Tracy Butler discuss how they use Retail Market Insights® (RMI) with the Hoosier Lottery to drive, validate, and defend their business.

Infinity Instants Blog Thumbnail June 2022

Re-Inventing and Revitalizing Instant Tickets Like Never Before

Posted 06/01/2022 by Samantha Oles

Infinity Instants™ technology is a revolutionary digital printing platform that provides unprecedented flexibility in the design, production, and marketing of instant


Draw-Game Intel: Extra Options Lead to Extra Performance

Posted 01/10/2022 by IGT

A third add-on can deliver impressive performance with the right game and marketing plan. IGT Italy’s EXTRA add-on offers a successful example for adoption.

Cash Pop

Cash Pop's Cross-Channel Advantages

Posted 04/18/2022 by IGT

Highlighting the benefits of omnichannel draw games like Cash Pop™ for lotteries and consumers.

Blue background with a cashier handing a customer an instant ticket and receipt

Bringing Scratchers In-Lane [Video]

Posted 05/12/2021 by IGT

In-lane lottery sales are a hot topic in the industry, with numerous products being sold across various retailers and tradestyles. We have a successful history of bringing products in-lane and continue to innovate in the space. Read on to learn what’s next.

A close up of a person using a smartphone

Mobile Lottery Apps See Massive Growth

Posted 04/09/2021 by Ailsa McKnight

More than ever, consumers are relying on their personal digital devices to complete everyday transactions—and lottery is no exception. Additionally, heightened concerns around cleanliness and health are driving players to transact via their own devices at an accelerated pace. How can lotteries ensure they meet this increasing demand? Read on to learn more.

Enrico Srini Kaari

Why the Right Moment for Digitization is Now

Posted 10/20/2020 by Cleo Andersen-Tarnell

In spite of continuing lockdowns, one aspect of the lottery industry is opening up. Operators are looking to use digital solutions to increase player engagement and provide a more hygienic, contact-free experience at retail even where digital wagering is not yet permitted. Two recent interviews with IGT executives discuss the possibilities open to lotteries today at retail and beyond thanks to digital solutions.